Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Auckland and the Sky Tower

We spent a day in the city of Auckland, walking around in the sunshine, browsing through the shops, re-telling stories over cups of freshly brewed coffee and home baked Fejoia & Ginger muffins - oh, it's a hard life! It was 23 degrees outside yet it's supposed to be autumn, we were walking around in T-shirts and enjoying the sun...

We also went to the Sky Tower, a magnificient structure which is the tallest in the southern hemisphere and a striking feature of the Auckland skyline. Here are a few photos of the Sky Tower from a distance and also looking up from below. Josh loved standing against the tall panes of glass to look out over Auckland spread out far below. Looking down through glass panels in the floor at the traffic, the buses and lorries look quite small, as do the tops of the skyscrapers!!


We have had visitors to come and stay with us during April. Manda's Mum (aka Anne/Nanna) and Aunt Julia arrived in Auckland a couple of weeks ago, followed by Manda's brother Matt, who arrived from Thailand on Monday 2nd April.
It's been fun sh0wing them all around our local area. They have already been off travelling around the central region of the North Island and are due to be driving up North to the Bay of Islands for 3-4 days.